Bulk Mulch

*Size, shape, and color may vary.

Our bulk mulches are sold by the cubic yard. A full-size pickup can hold up to 2cy. You can also set up delivery from 1cy – 65cy to your home or job site. Please contact the location closest to you regarding bulk delivery pricing. You can pick up material at any of our five locations year-round.

Benefits of Mulching?

Mulch for your landscape is a great investment for your home and your plants. Mulching is typically thought of as a way to make your landscape and home look great. While bark mulch does make a landscape look great, some mulches, such as Hardwood Bark actually helps plants, trees and shrubs grow strong. It adds nutrients back into the soil. Covering the ground in your landscape beds keeps weeds from sprouting and growing. It prevents sunlight from hitting the surface and preventing the weeds from ever forming. Covering the ground with a bark mulch also protects the surface from drying out. Without the soil being in direct contact with the sunlight, the ground will retain its moisture.


Pine bark fines

SOF PLA playground

Dyed red

Dyed brown

Hardwood bark

Dyed black